Municipal Matters, Water

On 16 November 2022 PARRA directed the following correspondence to Ndlambe LM regarding the 1 ML RO plant. We await feedback.

Attention:       Director Community Protection Services Ms Booysen Willy, Deputy Director Community Protection Services Mr Fanie Fouche

Dear Director,

The 1 ML RO Plant has been running without a valid EIA for a year. The noise and lights at night have become unbearable for residents opposite side of the river. PARRA have already sent you a report on the influence of the brine on the eco system to which we have not received an acknowledgement let alone the meeting we requested. Find sound bite  attached. Recently a contactor made a vertical access road destroying all vegetation in its path. Has this contractor been reported to the relevant authorities?

This is not the first transgression of haphazardly clearing bush by a contractor on that side of the river.

Is it not time the Ndlambe LM charge these irresponsible contactors who have no moral responsibility for the illegal clearing of paths through the bush. This vertical pathway in times of high rainfall will cause mudslides that will bury the proposed sewage plant to be erected on the site of the 1 NL RO Plant. PARRA understand the 1 ML RO Plant is to be moved, when and where will it be moved to?


Dawie van Wyk

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